FPZ Blower Technologies
FPZ is a world class manufacturer of high performance regenerative blowers that are used to move air in pressure or vacuum systems. FPZ also manufactures a wide range or blowers suitable for handling technical gases such as methane or biogas.

The range of products and components offered by FPZ also has a family of blowers designed to be used in ATEX (ATmosphere Explosive), that is potentially explosive, environments belonging to group II, suitable for working in zone 1 and 2/22 Cat 2G, 3G and 3G/D. These machines are also suitable for transporting flammable fluids such as natural gas, biogas and technical gases. FPZ blowers ensure an adequate level of protection for both the systems designed for areas where the explosive atmosphere is likely to occur (Category 2G) and for those areas where the explosive atmosphere is less likely to occur (category 3GD).